Brendan Chaquebor is a Bardi elder from Djarindjin community on the Dampier Peninsula and explains the 7 clans of the Bardi tribe, the Bardi rules of inheritance of responsibility for country and the importance of looking after country.
Ashley Hunter is a Bardi man and an artist. He lives in One Arm Point on the Dampier peninsula, which is north of Broome. He is a very talented artist who paints on canvas. Like many artist in his genre, Ashley paints what he sees and feels.
Community, Health and education, Media history, zDeceased
Pilbara and Kimberley BRACS (Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme) follow the Western route North of WA and along the way visit communities and community radio stations.
Wati and the Ngarlis was produced by group of delegates at the 13th Remote Indigenous Media Festival held in Umuwa, South Australia in October 2011. It provides a "Charlie's Angels' perspective on the history and status of remote Indigenous Television.